Are German Shepherds good with other animals? Can I get one if I have kids? Cats? Other dogs? Any other animal?
Here, you will be sure that German Shepherd is the safest choice for such a situation. He is extremely friendly and kind to other animals. Below, you’ll see 16 photos of unusual friendships between German Shepherds and other animals.
1- Cats

2- Cougar cubs
3- Monkeys
4- Cheetahs??
5- Bunnies
6- Parrots
Source: Insider
7- Goats
8- Pigs
9- Fawns
10- Ferrets
11- Cows
12- Gooses
13- Koalas
14- Foxes
16- And Human Kids!

So, you are sure now that whatever the animal you have, it’s always a great choice to get a German Shepherd!