1. Antonio is the most beautiful golden angel:
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Alguém sabe como fazer esses humanos pararem de me apertar? 🙄😝 #vidadecao #mesoltahumana
2. Ollie is obviously very skilled in escapology:
3. Mango is a beautiful pup with a perfect name:
4. Lana is the cutest furry ball:
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When it’s dat timeeeee of the year #sheddingseason #onfleek #outtacontrol #humpday
5. Cherry is clearly a photogenic girl:
6. Kyra is a perfect little pup:
7. Milo is a cute grown baby:
8. Harley is a perfect source of inspiring style:
9. Terry is really skilled in the “puppy-eye” look:
10. Hudson is just a naughty sweet puppy:
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Dreaming of running or becoming a famous puppy DJ … what do you think? 🌟
11. Lizzie and Ally proved that they are in the most perfect relationships:
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Snug as two bugs on a rug 🥰 #bestfriendgoals #thesnuggleisreal #lizzieandally
12. Mochi and Miso are the comedians of the house:
13. Buddy is here taking a huge jump for puppy-kind:
14. These two dogs are the most perfect retriever family:
15. Jesse has the most flexible pup face ever:
16. Oakley is really the meaning of the ‘Good Boy’:
17. And finally, Riptide, that you’ve already seen joining this exercise class: