19 Of The Most Strange Things Pets Really Do

1- Weirdo Dog!

2. This beast eats like…

3. Why would you poop on the wall!

4. This dog considers himself a cat obviously

5. A new way to ask for food…

6. This Boxer yawns like…

7. This big chönk lies on stuff weirdly:

8. This cutie “hermit crabs” when he wants snuggles!😭😭😭

9. Little kitty enjoys showers & it’s unusual

10. Zeus only relax in baths when you play smooth Jazz is on

11. “MEH. NGEH. WNGEH. wngek. wngk. WNEGRRRRHHEH” whenever they get groomed:

14. This puppy invented a new game!

15. These huskies scream when they’re quite not comfortable:

16. This puppy loves to play “Bite the Cone” during car rides:

17. He BITES!

19. And finally, these dogs live the best time while home alone just by sitting on tabletops: