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Hilarious Photos Of Dogs While Riding In Cars

20 Hilarious Photos Of Dogs Acting Ridiculously While Riding In Cars

The moment they set paws inside our cars, our little fur-friends can turn into real goofballs. After all, dogs love showing off their playfulness no matter where they are. But cars have something magical about them that brings out the inner puppy in some dogs. To brighten up your day and give you something to …

20 Hilarious Photos Of Dogs Acting Ridiculously While Riding In Cars Read More »

Hilarious Shiba Inu Goes Ruining Group Photos

Hilarious Shiba Inu Goes Viral For Constantly Ruining Group Photos

We all have that ‘one friend’ who always manages to ruin group photos. Whether they blink at the wrong moment or decide to pully a funny face, capturing each individual in a flattering light can be a real challenge. But that struggle doesn’t end with people — as, believe-it-or-not, animals can be unphotogenic too. Take …

Hilarious Shiba Inu Goes Viral For Constantly Ruining Group Photos Read More »

Dogs With Sunflowers

Woman’s Photoshoot Of Her 3 Dogs With Sunflowers Goes Wrong When They Realize How Tasty Flowers Are

Like many dog owners, Agnieszka Ciszyńska loves taking pictures of her sweet dogs. And normally, the adorable pups are down for any activity their mom throws their way. However, the dog mom of three Swiss shepherds, Fenris, Björn, and Walkiria has recently gone viral after uploading a few hilarious snaps online that has pretty much …

Woman’s Photoshoot Of Her 3 Dogs With Sunflowers Goes Wrong When They Realize How Tasty Flowers Are Read More »

Dogs Who Beat Cancer

15 Incredible Dogs Who Beat Cancer And Can’t Wait To Share The Amazing News

Cancer doesn’t discriminate between race, religion… or paw size. Humans aren’t the only ones who battle the disease — and getting the news that your dog has cancer is absolutely devastating. But it’s not always a death sentence. Cancer in dogs is actually quite common, with older dogs being most susceptible. However, in dogs 10 …

15 Incredible Dogs Who Beat Cancer And Can’t Wait To Share The Amazing News Read More »

Dalmatian With Heart-Shaped Nose

Wiley The Dalmatian Puppy Was Born With A Heart-Shaped Nose And The Internet Is In Love

Wiley is a dog like many others, loving, kind and always there with a wagging tail. When he first came to his new home, his mother also recognized that there was something unique about him. It was the distinct markings that made a heart shape around his nose, and it is just as cute as …

Wiley The Dalmatian Puppy Was Born With A Heart-Shaped Nose And The Internet Is In Love Read More »

Oreo Cloud - Chow Puppy

Chow Puppy Nicknamed “Oreo Cloud” Looks Like an Oreo McFlurry

If you’re in the mood for a dessert or maybe just a quick tasty treat, look no further than this adorable Chow-Chow puppy who is also fittingly named chief. Those of you with a keen eye may have noticed that the fluffy canine’s dark grey speckled coat somewhat resembles an Oreo Mcflurry desert which led …

Chow Puppy Nicknamed “Oreo Cloud” Looks Like an Oreo McFlurry Read More »

Dogs With Toys

20 Adorable Pics Of Dogs Growing Up With Their Favorite Stuffed Toys

As children, most of us had that one favorite teddy, pillow, or even blanket, and dogs are no different. More often than not, the toy they played with when they were little puppies will remain their favorite for the rest of their lives. But why do pets like certain toys and not others? To female …

20 Adorable Pics Of Dogs Growing Up With Their Favorite Stuffed Toys Read More »

Dogs Hugging Their Soulmates

18 Incredible Photos Of Dogs Hugging Their Soulmates That Will Melt Your Heart

If you’re having a bad day, sometimes all it takes is a hug and it feels like all your troubles have gone away. Hugs don’t just mend broken human relationships— apparently, they do wonders for our canine friends too. They make you feel all warm and fuzzy and help cure your woes when words just …

18 Incredible Photos Of Dogs Hugging Their Soulmates That Will Melt Your Heart Read More »

Corgi Butts

25 Gorgeous Photos Of Corgi Butts That Will Drive You Completely Nuts

It’s hard to explain why, exactly, Corgi butts are such a phenomenon. It could just be the simple fact that—fluffy rears on stumpy legs are adorable. Whatever the reason, these cuties are in serious danger of breaking the Internet. Corgis have become an integral part of the Internet, and if you weren’t aware, they’ve slowly …

25 Gorgeous Photos Of Corgi Butts That Will Drive You Completely Nuts Read More »

What is there to know about searching games?

What is there to know about searching games?

▫️Always start with the simplest tasks! ⠀ ▫️This is a game for our dog, and we must encourage freedom and initiative. ⠀ ▫️Start the game with the word “Search” and finish with any word, for example, “Finish”. ⠀ ▫️If your dog doesn’t feel like playing, don’t insist, maybe it’s a bit too difficult, or the …

What is there to know about searching games? Read More »

Best Movies Starring Dogs OAll The Time

Best Movies Starring Dogs Of All Time

Have you completely exhausted Netflix and looking for movie night inspiration? We’ve got you covered! Here are 5 touching movies that will keep you and your kids entertained🔻 ⠀ 1️⃣Belle and Sebastian (2013) A warm, sweet story about real friendship between a little boy and a loyal dog and their adventures in the breathtakingly beautiful …

Best Movies Starring Dogs Of All Time Read More »

Why are search games in which your dog uses its nose beneficial?

Why are search games in which your dog uses its nose beneficial?

Why are search games in which your dog uses its nose beneficial? ⠀ 🔸During such an activity, the dog is developing both physically and intellectually. ⠀ 🔸These games are easy to play whenever and wherever. ⠀ 🔸There is no need for any preparation and there are no special requirements for the dog. These games are …

Why are search games in which your dog uses its nose beneficial? Read More »

Why Dogs Equal happiness : 4 happiness hormones

Why Dogs Equal happiness : 4 happiness hormones

Everyone wants to be happy. And happiness is largely a biochemical phenomenon. ⠀ Our mood depends on so-called happiness hormones. Do dogs trigger their production? Let’s see! ⠀ ✅Let’s start with endorphins, which are very important, since they make our life enjoyable and improve our mood. ⠀ Endorphins improve anxiety, decrease pain and stress. They …

Why Dogs Equal happiness : 4 happiness hormones Read More »

How much personal space does a dog require?

How much personal space does a dog require?

Each one of us has our own personal space, an intrusion into which causes a lot of discomfort. But did you know that animals have personal space too? Dogs, just like humans, also need their personal space to be respected. ⠀ However, people often violate their dog’s comfort by coming too close. ⠀ ❔So, just …

How much personal space does a dog require? Read More »

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