Dogs with green eyes: Science behind the dog eye color

Green eyes are the rarest color in the world of dogs. Dogs that have green eyes stand out in the crowd and look appealing.

If you want a good looking pet, it is good to choose a dog breed with beautiful green eyes.

Are you curious which breeds have green eyes? The following list can help you.

Great Dane
Australian Sheepdog
Cocker Spaniel
American Pit Bull Terrier
Pomeranian Husky
Welsh Corgi
What is the rarest color of eyes among dogs?
Dog’s green eyes can be highlighted during the night.
Taking care of your dog

Great Dane


The Great Dane is considered a giant dog. It is also compared with a small horse.

Usually, this breed comes in amber or brown eyes. However, the Merle gene can give this dog green or blue eyes.

They are originally bred for hunting boars, so they are powerful and big animals.

It is important to provide Great Dane with early socialization and training to hone its good manners and behavior.

Do you plan to make Great Dane your pet? Well, you must have plenty of space at home for them to roam around.



Dachshund is also known as doxies, sausage dogs, and weenie dogs. It comes with short legs and a long body, but they are fragile and have big bark despite their small size.

This dog is available with different patterns like brindle, piebald, dapple, sable, and double dapple.

The Dachshund with the merle gene can have blue and rare green eyes, but some red Dachshunds can acquire olive-colored, light brown, and yellowish-green eyes.

They also have different coat types and colors. Dachshund comes in 3 sizes, including standards, miniature, and kaninchen (rabbit size). They are friendly, which makes them a good companion dog.

Australian Sheepdog


The Australian Sheepdog is among the rarest dogs with green eyes. Its merle genes can cause mottled patches in their coat and green or blue eyes.

They are also called Aussie. This breed is a medium-sized dog that is exuberant, work-orientated, and intelligent.

They are loyal, making them an active pet for families.



Weimaraner usually has gold or gray eyes. However, they can also have rare green eyes.

This dog is a big breed with a high prey drive. They are energetic, so you must provide them with regular exercise to keep them happy and active.

It is also beneficial to prevent your pet from being depressed.

If you want a pet with green eyes, that is easy to train. The Weimaraner is a good choice.

They love to work and to be with their owners. With that, you must shower your dog with love, care, and attention. Despite being fearless, this dog is loyal and friendly.

Cocker Spaniel


Do you live in an apartment? Well, you can prefer for Cocker Spaniel. It is a handbag-sized dog which is ideal for apartment living.

They love being with people and good with kids. If you want a lovable and affectionate pet, it is time for you to get a Cocker Spaniel.

American Pit Bull Terrier


The American Pit Bull Terrier is among the dog breeds with rare green eyes. It is a purebred dog with this eye color.

They are available in different colors, including gray, white, brown, red, black, and blue.

It can be the best option if you want an affectionate and playful dog. They are active, loyal, fearless, and smart dogs.

It also requires regular exercise to stay happy and healthy. It was a strong and muscular dog that can also be stubborn sometimes.

They are prone to allergies and deafness. This pet is known for its competitive personality.

You can give them different tasks, including obedience, agility, weight pulling, and more.

Pomeranian Husky


Pomsky, a mix of Husky and Pomeranian, can have green eyes. They are available in different colors, including brown, cream, white, black, and gray.

This breed is ideal for active pet owners and families with older kids. It can be a good per for houses of any size and households with other pets.

The Pomeranian Husky is an independent, smart, owner-oriented, and stubborn dog.

Therefore, you must offer them early training and socialization to hone their good behavior.

With its cute and appealing looks, this dog breed is available at an expensive cost. They are also prone to boredom, so you must offer them lots of love, attention, and play.

It can help to prevent your pet from being depressed, lonely, and sad. Meanwhile, you must also take note that this breed can be vocal.



Chihuahua is also among the dog breeds that can have green eyes. It is considered the smallest dog breed in the world.

Despite their small size, they have lovely personalities. This dog can be your lovely and loyal best friend.

It can be your cute companion who loves cuddles. Chihuahua can be a small watchdog with high-pitch barking.

They are also good in active sports such as agility. This beautiful dog can be your excellent pet and a new member of your family.

Welsh Corgi


Another dog with rare green eyes is the Welsh Corgi. Originally, this dog is bred for cattle herding.

It has an instinct to nip on the heels of a bigger animal. They are very active and love to play.

So, just like other dogs, they need regular exercise for mental and physical stimulation.

It can help them to prevent boredom and depression. However, they also love to bark, which may irritate you.

With that, you must give them early and proper training and socialization to avoid bad manners and behavior.

There we go, so that is the list of the dog breeds that have green eyes.

What is the rarest color of eyes among dogs?

The rarest color of the eyes of dogs is green eyes. Usually, dogs have eye colors, including a brown that comes in different shades.

Some also have amber eyes, which are the lightest shade of brown. You can also see dogs with blue eyes, which are less frequent. Some dogs can have two eyes of a different color.

For example, one is blue, and the other eye is brown or amber. It can be a unique and beautiful characteristic of a dog.

If you’re curious about how rare is it, the answer is it is very rare to have green eyes in dog breeds.

Why dogs have green eyes?


As we mentioned earlier, dogs with green eyes are rare. The color of your dog can be determined by genetics.

The merle gene can determine the light-colored eyes of dogs like blue, amber, or green.

Besides, the gene can also affect the coat color of dogs. Dog breeds with the merle gene come with a patchy or brindle coat with beige areas or irregular gray.

Suppose you wonder why Siberian Huskies is not on the list.

In that case, this merle gene can be common among dog breeds like Chihuahua, Welsh Corgi, Australian Sheepdog, Border Collie, Cocker Spaniels, Weimaraner, Great Dane, as well as Pomeranian.

A different gene causes the eye of that breed. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the only breed with green eyes, while other dogs are crossbreeds.

Do breeds with green eyes can have more health issues?

Dogs with merle genes can be prone to a few health problems, including eye problems. One eye defect that they can suffer from is colobomas.

This condition is when the part of the iris doesn’t develop fully. Colobomas can occur at birth, but it can severely affect the vision of the dog.

Dogs that have merle gens can also have the chance to develop glaucoma. Make sure to give it immediate attention since it can result in blindness.

Aside from eye problems, dogs with this gene can also suffer from hearing problems.

The gene can’t support right inner ear development, which can reduce its proper function. There I a chance that the dog can develop mild to severe deafness.

If the puppy comes with green eyes, do they remain green?


You may not know it, but it is common among puppies with blue or green eyes to change their eye color as they grow up.

Their eyes can change into amber or brown. The factor in this phenomenon can be due to the pigment level of eumelanin that grows in dogs’ eyes.

Dog breeds that have a high level of eumelanin on their iris can have brown eyes.

Dog’s green eyes can be highlighted during the night.

Most dogs can highlight their green eyes is at night.

The dog’s eyes can have a green reflection because they have a light-reflecting area at the back of their eyes known as tapetum lucidum.

The tapetum lucidum serves as a mirror that reflects the light from outside the eye to the eye cells.

With this, it can enhance the vision of dogs. It can also be present in some prey animals like horses, deer, and cattle.

The glow color of the eyes can also be affected by riboflavin and zinc in the tapetum lucidum.

Now that you have learned about dogs with green eyes, you must also know how to take care of your pet.

Taking care of your dog

Regardless of the eye color and breed, your dog deserves the best care for their overall health.

Are you a novice pet owner? Then, the following are some tips on how to take good care of your pet.

1. Food and nutrition

One of the important things to consider in taking care of your dog is food and nutrition.

Make sure to offer your healthy pet foods to keep them happy and active. It is also crucial to give your dog the proper amount of food to avoid obesity.

2. Regular exercise

Most dog breeds are active and need lots of exercise. Some don’t need more exercise.

Depending on your dog’s breed, you can give them playtime and exercise for mental and physical stimulation.

It can be a good solution to prevent them from suffering from boredom, loneliness, and depression.

3. Medical checkups


It is also important to provide your pet with regular medical checkups. With this, you can monitor the health status of your best friend.

Even more important, you can also provide immediate care and solution if your dog is suffering from any disease.

Do you observe something strange with your dog? Then, you must take her or him to a professional veterinarian.

4. Shower them with lots of attention

Just like people, your dog also needs lots of attention, love, and care. It can help to keep them happy, active, and healthy.

Give them enough time to keep them energetic. Spending time with your dog is also a good way to relax and reduce stress.

5. Grooming

Proper grooming is necessary to maintain the beauty and proper hygiene of your pet.

It can also make them clean, which can prevent allergies among your family members.

You can provide them with regular baths, nail trimming, and brushing.

Some breeds can shed regularly, so you must be patient and be responsible for their grooming needs.

6. Positive training

It is also a good idea to give your positive pet training. With that, they can learn how to behave well with people and other animals.

Early socialization and training are advisable for pets.

By applying these tips, you have the assurance that your pet can enjoy a healthy, active, and happy life.

It can help them avoid potential health issues that can cost your money or even the life of your dog.


Besides having a pet in your home, having dogs with beautiful green eyes can also be satisfying.

Thus, you can have an appealing and lovely dog that you can be proud of. Dog breeds with green eyes are also prone to some health issues.

With that, you must be responsible for taking care of your pet. Make sure to provide them their basic needs, including food, exercise, and medical needs.

It is also important to give them lots of love and attention to keep them happy and healthy.

Do you want to have a gorgeous pet in your home? Then, you can get a dog with green eyes.

You can pick from the dog breeds we mentioned above. Before you get your new pet, make sure that you have enough time to take care of them.