A sound that came out from the canyons has been heard by a man and a woman who were there. First, they thought they are coyotes. So, the man claimed over the area to hear the “yip yip” voice again.
Although he was thinking that these are coyotes, but he looked closer and found out that these were dogs.

Therefore, Brody headed to the cliff to rescue the dogs. After he knew where the dogs actually are, he went down through the cliff.

He reached the spot where the two dogs were stuck. Then, Brody began to give them food and tried to make them feel more comfortable.

Brody then held one of the dogs and the other one could walk with him. He then lifted the dogs to downclimb.

The dogs were so quiet in the whole process.

In the meantime, the woman waited for them to come down safely. When they reached the ground, she instantly named the dogs. Parmesan and Meatball.
They then took the dogs in the car and went to the town, they hugged the dogs the entire road.

When reached the shelter, the dogs seemed so happy that they were rescued.
Two weeks later, Parmesan and Meatball got adopted and found their forever homes.

Watch the video below: