Overachieving Corgi Graduates From UCLA With His Human

Some of us may have donned a cover and gown this season for our own graduations, but the cutest graduate of 2016 is Pavlov the Corgi:

Dog parents and UCLA alumni Anthony Osuna and Elayne Tram Nguyen made a decision to bring him along for a whirlwind eight week university experience at the university that was such an enormous part with their lives (Anthony works in a study laboratory on campus). They recorded his brief stint as an adorable college pupil and distributed the journey along with his enthusiasts on Instagram.

Pavlov became well acquainted with the UCLA campus during his time as the fluffiest learner there. In an email to Mashable, Osuna and Tram gave their known reasons for supplying their pup the best college experience:

Since this is our last year on campus, we really wanted to both share UCLA with Pavlov and Pavlov with the UCLA community

Does indeed the name “Pavlov” ring a bell? Both of the fluffbutt’s humans graduated with Psychology diplomas, and appropriately called him after famous psychologist Ivan Pavlov, who was popular for his work in classical conditioning.

At the end of the entire year, Elayne had the all-important graduation photoshoot and made a decision to celebrate with the addition of Pavlov. He sported the correct cap and wedding dress for a Bruins graduate.

Now as a school grad it appears like Pavlov is enjoying the post college life!

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