Puppies Being Funny: Puppy Themed Private Number Plates

Are you a puppy owner? If so, you know just how important they are in your life. Why not show everyone just how much your puppy means to you through puppy themed private number plates?

It’s the perfect way to show off your love for your little furry friend while on the move!

We all know the world loves its pets, especially dogs! There are over 471 million pet dogs worldwide, with pet cats at over 220 million. 89.7 million of those pet dogs are in the US.

Dogs aren’t just pets afterall, they are also part of the family, and just as people buy number plates in honour of their loved ones, hobbies or favourite film, people do buy registrations with their dogs in mind too. Others may buy dog themed number plates for their business, such as; groomers, dog walkers, breeders, etc.

Below we have the 10 most funny puppy private number plates that ACTUALLY exist put together by the team at Regtransfers. Dogs have proven time and time again with their fluffy, adorable faces, to make people go ‘Awww’ and ‘OMG!’.

These Top 10 hilarious puppy number plates won’t just have you laughing, but overloaded with cuteness too!


  1. They ATTACK!

puppy owner

  1. They Make A Mess!

puppy owner

  1. They High-Five with their Paw Beans!

puppy owner

  1. They Bork at You!

puppy owner

  1. They Dig!

puppy owner


  1. They Bite, EVERYTHING!
    puppy owner
  2. They Rest Anywhere They Like!

puppy owner

  1. They *Blep*

puppy owner

  1. They Fetch

puppy owner

  1. They Boop the Snoot
    puppy owner