#1 Yeah, That Happened
#2 What you lookin at, mate!? I hate social prejudices!
#3 The lead makes it look like he is wearing a tie and off to the office.
#4 Because screw gravity
#5 Labs can tolerate an awful lot….
#6 That Dane Fell Asleep While Changing Spots
#7 Freezing Dane here!!
#8 Your great dane thinks that you need a bigger car!
#9 That Dog Is Too Big To Lay In “Her” Chair So She Sits Like This
#10 He’s huge! No need to worry about muggers.
#11 Scary place for a power outlet.
#12 Scooby-Dooooooo
#13 I think you just struck oil.
#14 “Then I regretted it as time passed”