This Labrador Allows Foster Puppies To Sleep Right On Top Of Her

Michelle Calicchio adopted this yellow Labrador Retriever, Maggie, in 2005. Her family thought she would be their only forever dog. Years passed and one day, Michelle decided to temporarily take a stray chihuahua, Percy, and since that time, she has fostered around sixty dogs in the past twelve years!

The best thing about this is that Maggie is totally fine with her new temporary friends. She is cool with that to the point that she lets them sleep on the top of her. Calicchio says that she thinks it happens because Maggie is very soft and warm. However, it’s something really strange. Not all of them do the same thing, but there are a lot that loves to, a lot! Her owner doesn’t know the reason behind it though.

However, this thing always makes Michelle’s heart melts! She says that Maggie is the most kindhearted and she just enjoys being around these foster puppies.

foster dogs sleep on top of labrador

foster dogs sleep on top of labrador

foster dogs sleep on top of labrador

foster dogs sleep on top of labrador

family dog lets dog sleep on her

family dog lets dog sleep on her

family dog lets dog sleep on her

family dog lets dog sleep on her

family foster dogs

family foster dogs

family foster dogs

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